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Section Description

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Experience Leading Insights 

Speaker Sessions

Attend informative and engaging sessions on changing trends and strategies in the product innovation space from experts at Propel and our customer, Formlabs.

Get Your ISV App Ready For The Big Time: Performance Tuning for Enterprise Scale

Ron Hess

Co-Founder & CTO, Propel

Strategies to Gain the Mindshare of Salesforce Teams

November 21, 2019
10:00am - 10:40am
Park Central

Miguel Tam

VP of Alliances, Propel

Bridging Customers and Products with Digital Fabrication enabled by Salesforce

November 21, 2019
12:30pm - 12:50pm
Moscone South

Daniel Snow

CIO, Formlabs

Converged: Where Product Innovation Meets Market Evolution

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451 El Camino Real, Suite 110
Santa Clara, CA 95050

Jeff Hudgens
Senior Configuration Manager

Sentient Energy

Propel is investing in the future of PLM and reinventing some of the things that other legacy systems before them didn't do well.

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